
Call Renumbering.

“Call Renumbering” is a Java Card SIM solution that allows the operator and the customer to have the phone numbers automatically updated with the country prefix when the call is made to home country numbers while traveling abroad.

Subscribers encounter issues when trying to call Home country phone numbers without the country prefix. The application recognizes the national numbering form for mobile device numbers and saves them in the full format. When restoring the Phone book, the customer will receive the entries renumbered.

When the number is dialed, the applet performs the following actions:

  • Checks that number corresponds to the initial number mask
  • Performs transformation according to renumbering rule for this initial number mask
  • Substitute initially dialed number with the transformed one;
  • When restoring the Phonebook, the customer will receive the entries renumbered.
    • Automatically detects any registration and call attempt of the subscriber's handset;
    • Able to store a list of call renumbering rules (eg. 30 rules);
    • Became active when it detects that the subscriber is registered in the PLMN other than Home PLMN;
    • Numbering rules list management by Over-The-Air SIM campaigns;
    • No allowed clipboard formats could have been pasted.
    • Facilitates correct dialing of phone numbers and generation of outbound roaming calls traffic revenue;
    • Increases user experience by shortening the time necessary to made calls to a phone number without a home country prefix.
  • Prerequisites: SIM cards, VPN, SMSC

    Time to market: 1 month