Virtual Subscription Management.
The world of mobile devices is constantly shifting towards new technologies that will further improve your connectivity on the go.
eSIMs are already found in a wide range of consumer products (like smartphones, wearables, and computers) or corporate applications (such as smart power meters, medical IoT devices, home automation, security systems, connected cars, IoT asset tracking devices, or handheld POS systems).

VSM is constructed following GSMA RSP (Remote SIM Provisioning) specifications for consumer devices and it provides you with a one stop shop solution for eSIM profiles creation, storage, management and download onto consumer devices.
With VSM, you will be able to:
• Get the right eSIM profiles based on your specific definition and needs
• Place orders of new eSIM profiles to be personalized (I/O files exchange)
• Get the right eSIM profiles based on your specific definition and needs
• Prepare eSIM profiles to be made available for download (ES2+ API interface)
• Download and install eSIM profiles through SM-DP+ onto commercial eSIM devices
• Receive local actions notifications from the device: Download, Install, Enable, Disable and Delete actions performed by the end-user for an eSIM profile
• Have an alternative to QR codes through the standard eSIM Discovery Server (SM-DS) functions for an automatic and fully digitized activation (on-boarding) of a known (pre-registered) eSIM device (EID)
• Get insights into the system behavior through continuous KPIs monitoring
The eSIM VSM product was developed within the project: Research and development, qualification, certification, testing, and preparation for the commercial launch of the project "Platform for Intelligent Connectivity Services 5G / IoT - eSIM, OTA - HTTP, DM - IoT", code SMIS 130057, under financing contract no. 38/221_ap2/05.06.2020, concluded with the Romanian Digitalization Authority, Intermediate Body for POC Priority Axis 2 - "Information and Communication Technology (ICT) for a competitive digital economy", Specific Objective 2.2. "Increasing the contribution of the ICT sector to economic competitiveness", Action 2.2.1 "Supporting the increase in added value generated by the ICT sector and innovation in the field through the development of clusters".
The beneficiary of the project - Simartis Telecom SRL.
During the period June 2020 - November 2023, Simartis implemented the co-financed project from the European Regional Development Fund through the Operational Program Competitiveness 2014–2020. The total value of the project is 11,510,475.66 RON, of which the non-reimbursable financing value from ERDF is 6,458,604.89 RON.
The general objective represents the research, design, and implementation of a platform for managing compatible eSIM devices called eSIM RSP, as well as functional updates, with innovative elements for OTA SIM and Device Management platforms.
The results obtained: Simartis obtained in the Security Accreditation process for Subscription Management (SAS-SM) by the GSM Association (GSMA), the first certification for the eSIM RSP ecosystem. In parallel, technologically and functionally updated versions of complementary OTA SIM and Device Management platforms were implemented to serve the eSIM ecosystem.
Project implementation location: Gulia Village, Tărtășești Commune, Tei Forest Street no. 13, Dâmbovița County
Contact details: Contact person name: Alexandru Voiculescu email: global.info@simartis.com
Project co-financed from the European Regional Development Fund through the Operational Program 2014-2020
The content of this material does not necessarily represent the official position of the European Union or the Government of Romania.
Key Features
• Profile download and install: GSMA core functionality of eSIM RSP Consumer solution (ES8+, ES9+ interfaces), handle Download and Install notifications from the device
• Profile life-cycle management (ES2+ GSMA standard interface): GSMA-specified Profile life cycle (plus additional states and transitions)
• Profile Personalization System (PPS): represents VSM’s eUICC profiles factory that provides functions to manage the profile type creation, profile ordering and personalization, orders management, lifecycle management, profiles recycling, role-based access, audit and platform administration
• Discovery Server: Alternative download mechanism enabling automatic activation of a known eSIM device by routing the LPA to the right DP+ by implementing the standard SM-DS server functionality (ES12+, ES11+, ES15+ interfaces)
• Local actions notifications processing and display centralized processing and display of all notifications regarding local eSIM activities performed by the end-user on the eSIM Profile configuration that can be exposed to your systems
• Performance KPIs monitoring.
Benefits for Operator
• Enable new revenue streams, cut logistics and operational costs, drive adoption of new digital services and devices, enhance customer digital journeys and all of them while supporting the green imperative
• Streamline logistics costs by reducing physical SIM purchasing and pushing the use of digital distribution channels
• Explore opportunities in new digital services and capture the digital native consumers by riding the new technology waves
• Facilitate international roaming services and increase adoption of new devices by linking them to mobile plans
• Enhance customer experience by digitizing and remotely managing SIM-related operations
• Provide a more sustainable approach to connectivity, as eSIM requires close to zero plastic and less transport, thus producing less general waste and reducing the CO2 emissions.
Benefits for End-User
• Simpler device setup without the need to insert or replace a SIM card
• Devices that can operate independently of a tethered smartphone, with their own mobile plans
• Enhanced global connectivity while traveling for all eSIM enabled devices
• A range of new and enhanced mobile-connected devices and services.
Prerequisites/ Hosting
Prerequisites: key-encrypting key exchange through formal Key Ceremony procedure, exchange of dedicated cryptographic keys for records, file and transport protection, eSIM Profile Type definition (Electrical Profile specification), Input/ Output files templates, eSIM test subscription data (ICCID, IMSI).
Secure hosting: VSM solution operates on a GSMA-SAS certified site that fully complies with the security requirements of the SAS-SM standard offering full redundant systems and software components with an architecture that ensures no single point of failure, but also flexibility delivering a reduced time to market.